2016 Febbraio

Tutte le news dall’Aeroclub di Modena

28 Febbraio 2016

A petto nudo, irritato per il divieto di fumare e bere alcolici in volo, avrebbe provocato una maxi rissaad alta quota dopo aver urinato addosso a un compagno di viaggio.


L’incredibile episodio, racconta l’Independent citando media francesi, si sarebbe verificato lunedì pomeriggio a bordo del volo ML2673 della Air Méditerranée, diretto a Parigi da Algeri.


L’uomo, particolarmente agitato, sarebbe poi stato immobilizzato dagli assistenti di volo e consegnato alle autorità dopo aver fatto scalo all’aeroporto di Lione.


Insieme a lui, sarebbe stato fermato anche un altro passeggero coinvolto nella rissa.



28 Febbraio 2016

Worst Place To Be A Pilot Episode 1


Worst Place To Be A Pilot Episode 1

Worst Place To Be A Pilot – Season 1 / Episode 2 – Full Episode


Sam Quinn becomes involved in a dispute as he attempts delivers much needed supplies to remote Papuan tribes people.
After flying home he up with malaria, a disease which could end his flying career. Guy Richardson is treated like royalty at the opening of a remote island runway.


Worst Place To Be A Pilot – Season 1 / Episode 3 – Full Episode


Captain Matt Dearden battles severe turbulence to deliver local tribespeople to their loved ones, before becoming the first Westerner to be invited to one of their homes.

Captain Dave Burns finds himself sandwiched between an approaching storm and an active volcano as he negotiates his way back to base. Without the advanced technology the big jet airliners enjoy, he is forced to navigate his way through the clouds by sight.

New recruit Nick Holmes faces his final test flight. Pass – and he will be flying passengers for real. Fail – and he’ll be heading home.


Worst Place To Be A Pilot – Series 1 / Episode 4 – Full Episode


Captain Matt Dearden faces a tough landing in Papua, an argument between local tribes and a dispute that threatens to turn in to a mass rock fight. Captain Danie Malan is put to the test as he tries to graduate to the trickiest mountain strips in Indonesia. And Captain Robin Rudderham experiences the threats that come with flying the super highway.


Fonte:Lets Plane


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